Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (Book/Movie Comparison #3)

I was inspired to do this comparison by my son.  He absolutely loves the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, so I thought it would be interesting to see how these two are related.  They couldn't be more different. 

Judi Barrett's picture book begins in the kitchen where a grandfather is making breakfast for his grandchildren.  He is flipping the pancakes when one accidentally lands on his grandson’s head.  The grandfather uses that accident in a bedtime story about a town called Chewandswallow where it rains food.  Something goes wrong and too much food begins falling.  It becomes so unbearable that the citizens of the town end up having to leave and start a new life elsewhere.  The story ends when the grandfather finishes the story and tucks the kids into bed. 

The movie is an extreme elaboration of what happened in the bedtime story in the book.  A boy named Flint, who is known in the town Chewandswallow for his wacky inventions, invents a machine that turns water into food later causing food to fall from the sky.  The townspeople are temporarily pleased with his invention, but the food becomes to large and falls too often causing utter chaos and obesity in the town. 

I enjoyed both the book and movie separately, but they have very little in common. 

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