Monday, June 13, 2011

Ramona and Beezus Movie Based on Book Series By Bevery Cleary (Book/Movie Comparison #1)

The Ramona series by Bevery Cleary is very dear to my heart.  I still remember sitting, mesmerized, in my second grade classroom as my teacher, Mr. Perkins, would read from these books to our class with so much expression and enthusiasm.  I was excited to hear, in the summer of 2010, that a movie Ramona and Beezus, was coming out.  I wondered which book the producer would use as the basis for the movie.  Good thing I read all the Ramona books as a child, because there were many of the books represented in the storyline of the movie.

Similiarities between the books and movie include Ramona is the main character and that some of the same events involving her and the other book characters occur in the movie.  Ramona (Joey King) is still annoying to her older sister, Beezus (Selena Gomez) and her curiosity, imagination, and spunk get her into trouble sometimes.  Most of the events in the movie were taken from Ramona Forever, where Howie's uncle, Hobart, tries to court Ramona's aunt, Beatrice.  Sadly, this storyline slightly took away from Ramona's part in the story.  Ramona's father loses his job (Ramona and Her Father), Ramona gets a bad report card and curses (Ramona, the Brave),and she makes a rather large mess with toothpaste (Ramona and Her Mother), and the list goes on.  I did enjoy the scenes that expanded on Ramona's imaginative play.

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